Kinpira Gobo (Sauteed burdock root with carrot)
A very popular dish in Japanese homes and restaurants!
Ingredients (serves 4)
1/2 burdock root
1/2 carrot
100g thin-cut beef
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp sake (or white wine)
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp white sesame
A little vinegar and red chili pepper
1. Carefully wash the burdock root and carrot, and scrape off the skin with a knife.
2. Shave off slices of burdock root and carrot and drop into a bowl filled with 3 cups of water and a little vinegar. Let soak for 5 minutes to remove the bitterness.
3. Cut the beef into thin strips.
4. Heat the sesame oil in a pot and stir-fry the ingredients, starting with the meat. Once everything is coated in oil, add the sugar and sake (wine) and simmer over a low heat.
5. Once the vegetables are tender, add the soy sauce. Mix well to distribute the flavor, and finish off with a little chopped chili.
Nutritional value
(Per serving)
• 161 kcal
• 5.9g protein
• 10.7g fat
• 47mg calcium
• 2.5g dietary fiber
• 1g salt
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