Miso - A Traditional Probiotic Seasoning
A traditional Japanese health food made from soybeans Miso, a uniquely Japanese seasoning made from fermented soybeans, is gaining...
Soybean Powder (Kinako)
Kinako - a little-known superfood! Kinako is made by grinding roasted soybeans, which are known in Japan as “the meat of the field”. We...
The Anti-Diabetes Diet - (6) Know Your Nutritional ABCs
When it comes to healthy eating, balance is essential. Do you find yourself indulging in junk food, sweets, alcohol and fatty food on a...
Akane Yaki Grilled Salmon (Video)
Simple grilled salmon with ketchup and soysauce Ingredients (serves 4) 4 portions of salmon fillet 2 green peppers (cut into rings) 4...
Do Japanese Eat Sushi Everyday?
Why do the Japanese live so long? It is well known that Japanese people live long lives. In fact, according to a 2013 survey by the...
How To Make a Basic Dashi Stock
It is a good idea to make dashi stock in bulk, divide it into 1 to 2 cup portions, and refrigerate in sealed containers. Ingredients 1...
Green Tea Agar Jelly
This super healthy green tea dessert is low in calories and in fat. Ingredients (serves 4) 2-3 tsps matcha green tea 2 tbsp hot water 1...
Shirataki and Wakame with Garlic Ponzu
This detoxifying combo is a great stomach-filler for dieters! Ingredients (serves 4) 400g shirataki noodles 5g dried wakame (or more)...
Boy Choy and Aburaage Stir Fry
Works equally well with other greens, like spinach or komatsuna. Ingredients (serves 4) 1 sheet aburaage 3 heads bok choy 1/2 tbsp sesame...